FREE download

for Dads

Do you know what your wife / girlfriend / partner / mother of your children would love most for Christmas? It’s simple; she’d love you to take more photos! No, not more photos of the crop, your car, the fish you caught… photos of the family, especially with her in them.

Download this freebie for dads and learn, in seven minutes or less, about focus, exposure, portrait mode, lock settings, burst mode and live mode.

These are just a few quick tips. The main thing is to take the bloody photo, please! Make sure Mum is IN some of the photos so the kids have a record that she was there too.

Please download for free, print and hand deliver to the dad’s during an ad in the cricket.



If you’re after ALL my tips, please see my guide The Memory Gift

A downloadable PDF that you can save to your phone, tablet or laptop, that you can read over and over to learn anytime, anywhere. The Memory Gift is packed full of tips and tricks to help you take better photographs with the best camera possible – the one you already have!

You will learn light and how to see it as a photographer does; the basics of photography with your phone including exposure, focus and composition, plus insider knowledge to help you take better photographs, teaching you how to take less and capture more.

The Memory Gift will show you what to do with those photos once you’ve snapped them (spoiler alert, it’s not to only look at them through the cracked screen of your iPhone or see them once a year when a Facebook memory pops up, or to feel #mumguilt because you haven’t added them to the baby book yet).

Why did I create The Memory Gift?

When I became a mum and I was suddenly at home with a little baby, it was much easier to just take a snap on my phone than it was to go and find my camera, connect to my laptop, upload photos, cull them, edit them etc. Turns out babies don’t like to wait around for that stuff!

Instead, my iPhone camera was in my pocket, with me day and night through every breastfeeding marathon, every ‘throw the food out of the high chair and onto mummy’s shirt’ moment… and all of the cute cuddles as well. Naturally, the iPhone camera became the only camera in my life for a while!

But as a professional photographer, I got frustrated with the quality of the photos I was taking and my Camera Roll starting filling up with dozens of blurry photos of my first born (and, I’m not going to lie, my dogs). I also never really did anything with these photos. I didn’t print them or share them or frame them or… anything really.

I started playing around and googling and practicing and learning, and I realised, ‘oh wow, this works just like the way my big, serious, professional camera works’. YAY. Yes okay, it’s not quite as good, but when you know how to use it? That iPhone camera is a powerful thing.

I wanted to show other mums how easy it can be to take great shots of your kids, and so The Memory Gift was born. You’ll use what I teach in this e-book to go from a full Camera Roll of not-so-great photos to a curated Camera Roll filled with amazingness – and thinking of you in a few years’ time sitting down with your kids poring over photo albums full of memories? Well, that is a gift for me too!

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